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Page: BookReview.HeadFirstDesignPattern - Last Modified : Thu, 08 Jan 09

BookReview | 실용주의 프로그래머 >

Yeah, Frankly, I’ve never seen such a graphical computer book. Some are printing and some are just like hand writing. This kind of method makes us to concentrate on the book efficiently. I’ve read a few – exactly three - books about Design Patterns. Well known GOF’s book which is too stiff, it’s a pattern catalogue though. Other two books are from Korea and Japan (Of course, translated). Japanese one is not bad, but not great. Korean one is absolute bad (Look, I mean only this Korean stuff). They try to explain much and intend to be professional. Head First Design Patterns make effort to be easy and easy and do not explain all of GOF’s 23 Patterns. Sorry, it explains all of 23 Patterns. Authors put different deal of weight between different Patterns. So you don’t need to waste your effort to learn seldom used Patterns. One more thing, examples using Java – without rich experience about Java, fully plain to read - are very nice and proper. No more explanation is needed. Just try! Read it now.

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