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Page: PmWiki.I18nVariables - Last Modified : Mon, 05 Oct 09

< Edit Variables | Variables | Layout Variables >

This page describes the variables used by PmWiki for Internationalizations (i18n).

An array which contains the PageNames where you can find lists (trails) of pages containing variable definitions. To be modified when documentation is not in english. See scripts/vardoc.php.
An array (hash) which contains pairs of language identifiers and translation hashes. Each translation hash maps a given lookup key (or phrase) into a corresponding text string for the given language. Thus, it is essentially a multi-lingual dictionary used for phrase translation. It is also used for handling user preference mappings. Thus, the 'e_row' value that one finds on the Site.Preferences page is loaded into $XL during preference processing.
An array that contains the names of the currently active language definitions. Only dictionaries in $XL that are named in $XLLangs are used by the $[...] markup when performing a translation.

See also:

< Edit Variables | Variables | Layout Variables >

This page may have a more recent version on PmWiki:I18nVariables, and a talk page: PmWiki:I18nVariables-Talk.

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